So, this weekend was a family filled weekend. My oldest niece got re-baptized. Praise God. She decided that when she made her first decision she was a child and wasn't sure what exactly it meant. After attending the youth event, Acquire the Fire, she asked Jesus into her heart. YAY!!!!! So, I spent a lot of quality time with the fam this weekend.
While at my folks house, I decided on a whim to look up an old co-worker's phone number. This dear friend lives about a mile from my parents. I never in a million years thought he'd be listed. He was one of those old timers at Maxey and I truly thought he'd have an unlisted phone number. Paranoia and all. To my surprise there was a number. I called it Sunday afternoon and left a message. Even more to my surprise....he called me back. We laughed and talked and reminisced about all the crazy things at Maxey. He was the resident practical joker. It was so good to have that personality back in my life. The bonus? He's doing my taxes. Yahoo. This dear man is about my mom's age and at one point, when I first met him, he was so mean he made me cry. Over time, and of course my winning personality, we became best buds. He was my go to guy at work. When I moved in with Jeff, our friendship took a turn. Not only did he not approve morally but he thought I was settling and Jeff was not good enough for me. Hindsight obviously proves him right. We were still friends but not nearly as close as we had been. Then he retired. I missed him terribly. We haven't talked in years. Now, it's all good.
On top of this re-connection, I had a mystery text this weekend. I thought my co-worker had changed her phone number so I stored it under her name. When I got to work on Monday and asked her about it, it wasn't her. I emailed the only other person I thought it could be (based on area code) and it wasn't him either. When I got out of work, I sent a text asking who it was. To make a long story, it was another friend who I hadn't talked to in about 5 or 6 months. I won't share all the gory details but we had a bit of a falling out. I hurt and upset him (which I didn't know until last night) and he had decided it was time to bury the hatchet and stop being upset. So, we talked for about 30 minutes last night. I cannot tell you how good it was to hear the voice of this man. He has had a huge influence in my life, probably not always good, and I have truly missed my friend. He said the same thing last night. So, maybe we can be friends again. I guess we'll see what the future holds. All I know is, I was really glad to have a chance to talk to him last night. The irony of all of this is that my co-worker had said maybe my mystery texter was someone I didn't know and this was all fate and I'd meet him and he'd be the one. I of course laughed out loud at this. But, when I found out who it really was, the irony of her comment was a little painful. See, I have always loved this man despite the fact that there are many, many things I could never tolerate in a relationship. I have always wanted him to "see me" and realize what we have in this friendship and that it could be more. Now, I know that's not God's plan but I truly love this guy. For now, I'm glad he's back and we can have our long conversations about life and figuring out who we are.
Thank you, God, for bringing some sunshine into my life through my dear friends who I have lost touch with. I know that You know how much they mean to me.

Tigers game July 2010
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Woo hoo
So, I made it 2 nights at the gym this week. Yahoo! And, my co-worker LeAnn came with me to FitBall tonight. I LOVE that class. I'm starting to love it more than Zumba. It's definitely a killer work out. That would be evidenced by LeAnn leaning over to me and saying "this sucks" in the first 20 minutes. But, she, I mean we, made it and it was fun. She did like it but it is ackward at first. That's a given. You know what else I discovered? When you watch the news on the while on the treadmill, sometimes you work longer. They had those teasers of "coming up next" and there was a story I wanted to see. It took a lot longer than "next" so I was on the treadmill yesterday for an hour. Wow. That's big for me. The story? The song by John Rich called Detroit Shutdown (or something like that). I loved it. I think it's great that he did this. I think the irony is that the people I work with who love country music will never understand the gravity of the situation. Detroit is like a foreign country to them. It drives me crazy sometimes.
Today was a good day at work today. Had a mobilization so lots of time to do nothing while they were locked down this morning. Then I ran my group which was all new guys today. I love that part of it. Especially when some of them actually talk. Which, they did today. Of course, I hook them with Marvin Gaye right out of the gate. I'm so smart. They loved it. And I love my group.
Only 2 more weeks and I will be in a van on the way to the beach. Yippee kiayo. How do you spell that? Anyway, I didn't get my weight lost by then but I think I'm still in better shape than I was. And, no I can focus on losing it by Memorial Weekend for the singles conference at Green Lake.
Today was a good day at work today. Had a mobilization so lots of time to do nothing while they were locked down this morning. Then I ran my group which was all new guys today. I love that part of it. Especially when some of them actually talk. Which, they did today. Of course, I hook them with Marvin Gaye right out of the gate. I'm so smart. They loved it. And I love my group.
Only 2 more weeks and I will be in a van on the way to the beach. Yippee kiayo. How do you spell that? Anyway, I didn't get my weight lost by then but I think I'm still in better shape than I was. And, no I can focus on losing it by Memorial Weekend for the singles conference at Green Lake.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The bag is packed
So, my bag is packed so I can go to the gym after work. I have already been thinking, "oh maybe I won't go tonight. Maybe I'll just give it a whole week off". What is this? Maybe it's my slight case of winter blahs a little late. Does that even make sense? No. Then I think how much harder FitBall will be tomorrow if I don't go tonight. I love that class. It's a great workout and I think it's really fun. And, I missed last week. So, does it make sense to only go to the gym once this week? NO!!! I will go tonight. I will walk on the treadmill and I will do 2 miles like last week. I can do this. If I keep it up, I'll be more motivated to take walks on the beach in Hilton Head in a few weeks, right? Well, maybe.
I'm just a lazy person and I really don't like that. It's kind of hard to admit but maybe that's the first step in changing it. Maybe!
I'm just a lazy person and I really don't like that. It's kind of hard to admit but maybe that's the first step in changing it. Maybe!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Silly Lily the kitty
So, I have a cat named Lily. She is really the funniest, cutest thing most of the time. She is a Maine Coon cat. The second one I've ever owned and there are definitely things native to the breed. Like, acting like a dog. My first Maine Coon would come to greet me at the door when I came home. Wait, Lily does that too. When Lily hears the garage door, she rolls on her back and stretches out for me to rub her belly the minute I walk in the door. If I don't, she runs in front of me wherever I go and throws herself there waiting for a belly rub. My favorite? When she goes flying down the basement stairs and waits at the bottom all stretched out saying "look at how cute I am". Although, Caleb would play fetch with a rope. Hmmmm, Lily loves her green ribbon. She doesn't always bring it back to me. In fact, when she doesn't want to play together, she usually gets it in her teeth and trots off with it. Hilarious. I've actually seen her play with it by herself, throwing it in the air and pouncing it.
Her newest trick? Begging/scratching at the door to go out. What? I let her out a few Sundays ago when it was nice. I sat on the porch and she timidly smelled around the door jam and porch. Eventually, she went towards the garage. I put her back on the porch and she headed straight for the grass. Brave little soul. Anyway, usually when I clap my hands and scoot her toward the door with my foot, she goes right in. Not this day, she wanted to stay out. It took a lot of coaxing to get her back inside. And then what does she do? Scratch at the door and meow at it. She even did a somersault to get on her back to scratch upwards. She has been meowing to go out almost every day since. This morning I decided to let her out with me to check temperature. She bolted right out the door. She's never done that. She went right onto the back patio. When I tried to get her to come in, she wasn't having it. I finally picked her up and I swear, she was fighting to get back down. When I finally got her in, she immediately went to pawing the door. The most hilarious part was I have a Christmas bell still hanging from the doorknob. (I know, I know...don't say it) So, as she was pawing the door, she hit the bell. I am sure it was unintentional but at the time, it sure didn't seem like it. Hilarious. Tonight, she was on her back paws, stretched up and it looked like she was reaching for the door handle. I swear, she is too smart for her own good.
There was a very slight chance I was going to take in a dog for a friend. I was really worried what it would do to Lily. Don't get me wrong, I am a dog girl and I miss having one. Not even really a cat person but I keep inheriting them somehow. Anyway, I have to say that I am kind of relieved that Zoey will not be interupting the fun Lily has with me. Or, wait? Is it the other way around? Regardless, she really makes me laugh and I am grateful to have that around. That's my silly Lily!
Her newest trick? Begging/scratching at the door to go out. What? I let her out a few Sundays ago when it was nice. I sat on the porch and she timidly smelled around the door jam and porch. Eventually, she went towards the garage. I put her back on the porch and she headed straight for the grass. Brave little soul. Anyway, usually when I clap my hands and scoot her toward the door with my foot, she goes right in. Not this day, she wanted to stay out. It took a lot of coaxing to get her back inside. And then what does she do? Scratch at the door and meow at it. She even did a somersault to get on her back to scratch upwards. She has been meowing to go out almost every day since. This morning I decided to let her out with me to check temperature. She bolted right out the door. She's never done that. She went right onto the back patio. When I tried to get her to come in, she wasn't having it. I finally picked her up and I swear, she was fighting to get back down. When I finally got her in, she immediately went to pawing the door. The most hilarious part was I have a Christmas bell still hanging from the doorknob. (I know, I know...don't say it) So, as she was pawing the door, she hit the bell. I am sure it was unintentional but at the time, it sure didn't seem like it. Hilarious. Tonight, she was on her back paws, stretched up and it looked like she was reaching for the door handle. I swear, she is too smart for her own good.
There was a very slight chance I was going to take in a dog for a friend. I was really worried what it would do to Lily. Don't get me wrong, I am a dog girl and I miss having one. Not even really a cat person but I keep inheriting them somehow. Anyway, I have to say that I am kind of relieved that Zoey will not be interupting the fun Lily has with me. Or, wait? Is it the other way around? Regardless, she really makes me laugh and I am grateful to have that around. That's my silly Lily!
Is it really sabotage?
Is it really? Or am I just a lazy person? I know the answer to that. I am lazy. I had the whole evening to do some things. Vacuum, put clothes away, laundry, anything. What do I do? Watch tv and go tanning. Not exactly accomplishing much, am I? How do I fix it?
Yet again
So, tonight is Zumba and I'm not there. Why? Who knows. This morning's excuse was I wore my glasses and I would sweat too much to enjoy it with my glasses sliding down my nose. So, no packed gym bag. I am extremely tired and I know I will go tomorrow and Thursday. But, why not today? SABOTAGE!!!!! I am so frustrated with my weight and not losing. But seriously, where's the frustration coming from? I know what the deal is. I know, I know...look at the changes you have made. So, I am not eating 3 hours or more before bed. I am eating healthier for the most part. I bought a candy bar this evening but did not buy a second one when I was in the gas station. Believe me, it crossed my mind. Instead, I kept thinking about the trail mix I had at home that I could eat. And, guess what? I haven't even done that yet, instead I'm here writing. I guess that's progress and for that, I am proud.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Nursery opp
As I have been church "shopping" I have realized that I really miss working in the nursery at Cornerstone. I know that I will probably not have a nursery scene quite like that again but I would like to get a baby fix once in a while. Low and behold, today in the bulletin was a blurb about needing help one Sunday a month in the baby class. Yahoo! Is this God's way of settling my heart that this is where I am meant to be? I don't know for sure but I emailed my interest. Time will tell.
Today I am going to see a new musical called Boulder Faith, here in Tecumseh. It was written by one of the music directors from the Ann Arbor church, based on sermons by Pastor Paul. I am really looking forward to it.
I'm also beginning to realize that I will not be able to find some big Easter production to attend this year, due to being on vacation. I'm pretty bummed about that. Easter is actually my favorite holiday and I really enjoy the music and musicals and such. Looks like I'll have to entertain myself. Maybe I'll watch The Passion again before we get out of dodge. I mean, seriously, isn't Easter what it's all about?
Today I am going to see a new musical called Boulder Faith, here in Tecumseh. It was written by one of the music directors from the Ann Arbor church, based on sermons by Pastor Paul. I am really looking forward to it.
I'm also beginning to realize that I will not be able to find some big Easter production to attend this year, due to being on vacation. I'm pretty bummed about that. Easter is actually my favorite holiday and I really enjoy the music and musicals and such. Looks like I'll have to entertain myself. Maybe I'll watch The Passion again before we get out of dodge. I mean, seriously, isn't Easter what it's all about?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Catch up
I really have to get better at doing this a little more often. Although, in the life of a single chick, there really isn't always that much to tell.
I went back to the Baptist church last Sunday to check out the traditional service. The pastor asked my name and remembered (although never meeting me in person, only email) that I live in Tecumseh. That's pretty impressive. I think I like the contemporary service better. I definitely love the diversity of the congregation. This week I have to ring bells at mom's church so I guess I won't get back there. There's also one more I think I want to try in A2. I would love to find a church that actually has a singles ministry but I think that may be asking too much at this point.
I have continued to work out at least 2 times a week and although I haven't lost any more weight, I am proud of myself for getting there. As I rummaged through some pictures last night, I found one I'm going to keep in my car to motivate me not to eat. I am a closet eater and I do the most damage when I'm out and about. So, maybe this will help. Little steps, I guess.
I was suppose to have a nice long day at home tomorrow, cleaning and hanging out in front of the tv. My brother said he'd try to come out with a ladder to change the battery in my smoke alarm since I can't reach it. But then, of course, I get a phone call last night at 9:30 asking can I pick up mom and dad Saturday night so they can go up north for the day. What? So, now you're not coming over at all and I have to do in to Detroit to get mom and dad so you can go up north? Nice! Of course I said yes, however, since I'm ringing bells in Plymouth Sunday morning and the folks land at 8:00 pm, this means, I'll be spending the night at their house. Not what I had planned. And to top it off, it wasn't even Craig who called, he made Teri do it. Whatever! I wonder what they would've done if, like a typical night, I was already in bed and didn't get the call. Would they have cancelled their trip cuz they don't know if I can get to the airport? What if I had plans? I guess they thought mom and dad were coming home tonight. Whatever.
I'm almost done with reading The Shack. I have to say it's interesting. I've found that I have to consciously slow down my reading or I miss it. Since it's a novel, I read it fast but I should take it in like a study book. It's funny how I've been asked by people if it's the first time I read it. That's not the typical book conversation.
Tonight, I'm going to Plymouth as well, for my friend Leanne's birthday. That should be fun. A late night but at least I can sleep in tomorrow. Maybe I'll even make it to the gym.
Think this gets you completely caught up for now.
I went back to the Baptist church last Sunday to check out the traditional service. The pastor asked my name and remembered (although never meeting me in person, only email) that I live in Tecumseh. That's pretty impressive. I think I like the contemporary service better. I definitely love the diversity of the congregation. This week I have to ring bells at mom's church so I guess I won't get back there. There's also one more I think I want to try in A2. I would love to find a church that actually has a singles ministry but I think that may be asking too much at this point.
I have continued to work out at least 2 times a week and although I haven't lost any more weight, I am proud of myself for getting there. As I rummaged through some pictures last night, I found one I'm going to keep in my car to motivate me not to eat. I am a closet eater and I do the most damage when I'm out and about. So, maybe this will help. Little steps, I guess.
I was suppose to have a nice long day at home tomorrow, cleaning and hanging out in front of the tv. My brother said he'd try to come out with a ladder to change the battery in my smoke alarm since I can't reach it. But then, of course, I get a phone call last night at 9:30 asking can I pick up mom and dad Saturday night so they can go up north for the day. What? So, now you're not coming over at all and I have to do in to Detroit to get mom and dad so you can go up north? Nice! Of course I said yes, however, since I'm ringing bells in Plymouth Sunday morning and the folks land at 8:00 pm, this means, I'll be spending the night at their house. Not what I had planned. And to top it off, it wasn't even Craig who called, he made Teri do it. Whatever! I wonder what they would've done if, like a typical night, I was already in bed and didn't get the call. Would they have cancelled their trip cuz they don't know if I can get to the airport? What if I had plans? I guess they thought mom and dad were coming home tonight. Whatever.
I'm almost done with reading The Shack. I have to say it's interesting. I've found that I have to consciously slow down my reading or I miss it. Since it's a novel, I read it fast but I should take it in like a study book. It's funny how I've been asked by people if it's the first time I read it. That's not the typical book conversation.
Tonight, I'm going to Plymouth as well, for my friend Leanne's birthday. That should be fun. A late night but at least I can sleep in tomorrow. Maybe I'll even make it to the gym.
Think this gets you completely caught up for now.
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