So, today I went to yet another church. Backstory: I have been attending First United Methodist Church of Saline fairly regularly since the beginning of the year. At Christmas time, I was certain this was where I was suppose to be. But, I have been having some thoughts that God has brought to my mind through various means, and I just haven't been sure this is where I'm suppose to end up. Through all the thoughts, clutter, experiences, etc....I decided to do yet another internet search for churches. I just think I need to be somewhere that is more diverse in it's congregation. Diverse in many ways, but mostly, culturally. And, I was kind of missing the whole idea of the baptist denomination. So, today I went to Crossroads Community Baptist in Ann Arbor. I really liked it! I even liked the contemporary service and usually, that is not my thing. I had the biggest smile on my face watching the little boy next to me, singing his heart out while dancing and clapping his hands. If only we could keep that innocence and unashamed love for Christ into our adulthood.
The best part was that the congregation was old, young, single, married, white, black, Asian and Mexican. Yippee!!!!! So, I think next week, I will check out the traditional service and see what the difference is. I can't wait.
Thank you God for continuing to move me where it is You want me to be. This may not be the final destination but I am searching to find where I belong so I can serve You!
Isn't God good? Oh how I love Him!