So, I am home from a weekend at Green Lake. I will never be able to put it into words because unless you've been there, you wouldn't understand.
The theme of the weekend was "As Is". God uses us as is. Love it. Our speaker was Peter Eide. If you don't know who he is, look him up. He's got a website and his music is phenominal. What a teacher and inspiration.
My goal was to "shut up and off" and listen. One of the songs we sang? "Be". As in, be still and know that I am God. Ok, ok, I get it. So, I did my best and I am quite proud of myself. God revealed himself to me in many, many ways this weekend and I am grateful for that.
One of the things we did was put our fears and hopes in our hands and lift them to God. Not easy for me. I say all the time that I know what my fears are but I realized that I really don't. Am I afraid of being alone for the rest of my life? YES! But, am I more ok with being single than I give myself credit for? I don't know. Am I afraid of losing weight for some reason? Probably, but why? I gave it all to God. Over and over and over and over....
God, I pray that you will continue to use me. I pray that I will remember that you delight in me and that I bring you joy and pleasure. Remind me to keep "pouring". And God, I really, really want to be married. I miss being kissed. I'd really love it if you could bring someone into my life soon. Thanks.
Green Lake had so many memories for me that I wasn't sure I'd ever stop crying or talking about all the things I remember. God has created the entire universe, I know. But, I think that Green Lake was probably one of his best works of art. It is holy ground. I am so grateful to my family to taking us there for 14 years and being able to chaperone youth trips twice. This weekend is now added to the millions of memories and I am sooooo grateful.